
The lasting news about world’s jewelry industry

According to the financial reports shown by the largest online retailer Blue Nile in past few days, the achievement in third quarter had been reduced about 33% compared with last quarter. Aiming to this situation, the China famous jewelry brand researcher Guo feng suggest that the sale mode trend of e-commerce sites in China maybe the “O2O”, within this mode which combine online and off line sale together, the financial performance made a obviously improvement in most online sites.
  The O2O sale mode, namely the Online To Offline mode, the aim is show their products online and bring the customers to shopping in the real shops, in addition with the considerate after-sales service, the character highlights the advantages of O2O sale mode obviously.
  When take the customers’ demands into account, the O2O sale mode can perfectly meet the safety and individuation factors. And this is the main reason for the O2O sale mode reach such success.  

