
Chinese element--- forever aspiration in jewelry design

Chinese element is a forever aspiration in jewelry design.
China has a long history of more than 5000 years, with 56 peoples and various religion beliefs, different lifestyle and miscellaneous fashion element. As China is becoming more and more powerful in the world, its ethnic element is gaining more mysterious. Designers of top-range are looking for aspiration to meet fashion trends and many Chinese element fans satisfaction and desire.

Antique, simple and flower are main features of Chinese element jewelry. In ancient times, Chinese put much emphasis on wood jewelry because of economy consideration and limited resources, you may know that Chinese people use silver and gold to trade in old time. Apart from that, Chinese people love to carve animal pictures on the jewelry, for auspicious and promise year consideration. As time goes by, they no longer use wood to make jewelry. Many other materials come to be seen in the jewelry shop, such as shell, pearl, iron, jade etc. The same is with the outer design and style. The demand complex and magnificent jewelry to represent their social statue and economy power.

Till today, as is indicated from wholesalebeads and supplies, Chinese are looking for antique and classic jewelry to show their family background and personal thought, because in their mind, conservation and individual qualities are best highlighted.

However, famous and top jewelry companies seek Chinese element in their product not only because of the above-mentioned history background, but the mysterious denotation behind the Chinese design. You shall get to know that China has undergone many dynasties throughout 5000 years. What does it mean to jewelry designer? Abundant resources of aspiration, a lot of peoples’ elements. 56 peoples have 56 different ethnic religions, 56 wearing designs, 56 lifestyles. It means commercial opportunities, wholesalebeading supplies implies.

